
Monday, December 12, 2011

2011 Christmas Tree(s)

This is a cactus garden that I have made with Christmas theme, where Jesus was bornt in manger.

Uh yes... this is my 2011 Christmas tree, a very first and DIY Christmas tree, because I have OD for quite few months already, worse come to worst, I just swipe a MacBook last weekend... so just afford to make myself a DIY Christmas tree for this Christmas. =)

Monday, November 28, 2011

DIY Lighted Makeup Mirror

Just had a little DIY project last Sunday. It's very fine. A DIY lighted makeup mirror.

I always wanted to have one since.... hmm~ since I saw it from TV? hehehe... it's adorable. I mean which girl doesn't want to have her own makeup desk. So then, I have been looking around for such a mirror quite sometimes. But hardly see one... in Malaysia.

Once a friend who gonna go Austin for a business trip and vacation, I nearly asked him to help me buy one. But after doing some research about prices on such product online, knowing that such kind of mirror is extremely expensive, nearly thousand plus Ringgit Malaysia. So then, I decided to make my own lighted makeup mirror.

Several researches has been done of cause although I studied electronics, but I never done one real electrical project before. Please be reminded to take precaution steps for you want to start doing any electrical project which is connect to AC, which I forgotten to. Thank God I'm still alive. Because I just simply connect the wire, plug and the circular bulb straight to the AC. So then, the bulb burnt up. :P

Here, below is diagram of the connection for the project.

Depending on the voltage of the bulb you want to use. Here I bought a 32W circular bulb. So the ballast that I need must be that of tranform AC to 32W, else your bulb will be burnt. And of cause you will need a starter. Just follow strictly on the instruction printed on the ballast on the connection.

After I connected all the components.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Before & After 80's

最近, 认识了几个朋友, 都比较有"经验"的. 经验丰富得来, 又不至于让我敬佩的... 听起来好像我自以为很了不起吧? 其实不然, 为什么呢? 只要你是个80后的人, 你一定会懂... 正续前章, 80后的人是比较有自己的想法的人, 有主见又肯听取意见的一班...

80后的人, 又被称为 "Generation Y". 这班人很常都被长辈看为"没大没小"的一群... 为什么他们会这么想呢? 以为自己是长辈, 晚辈有理(礼)无理(礼)都得依他们的, 因为他们"吃的盐比你们吃的饭还要多呢", 所以听他们的就没错了... =.= 个人认为, 对! 他们在某些方面的"经验"是值得晚辈学习的~ 但是长辈们的老顽固不化就SORRY 啦! 不是年少的无礼, 只是不赞同, 不代表他们不尊敬年长的.

长辈们~ 或是那些有"患上老人病" 者, 只许他人顺服你的, 拜托你们别再鸡蛋里挑骨头了. 世代变迁不断, 你们还活在70, 60 甚至50年代的思想里... 有句名言说得很好, 那就是: "人总是老得太快, 脑却长得太慢."

年长的, 无论潮流或科技, 你们可以勉强的跟上, 但如果你们的思想还是一般也终归活在自己的世界里... 只要把自己的思想范围放宽, 接受他人有"他的权利", 听取意见, 至于你愿不愿意接受就另当别论... 这样一来, 你们就可以活出现代了.

Monday, October 31, 2011


神啊! 我到年老发白的时候, 求你不要离弃我, 等我将你的能力指示下代, 将你的大能指示后世的人.

老师: "我真不明白, 明丰, 你一向是我最得意的学生, 样样第一. 可是半个月以来, 你忽然一塌糊涂, 什么功课都不行了. 到底是怎么一回事呢?"
明丰: "很简单, 老师, 现在是爸爸跟不上了."


1. 两代之间是有代沟. 无论上一代怎么努力追求下一代的潮流, 不过只能模仿下一代的外在潮流, 而心境在绝大程度上, 还是属于上一代的.

2. 现代的父母不能了解孩子为什么能花那么长时间在电脑 (上网或玩游戏) 上; 同样的, 再前一代的父母也不能了解我们的父母过去为什么那么沉迷于电视连续剧及电玩中心.

3. 在事奉上, 我们也是应当带着这样的心态, 千万不要以为自己"吃的盐比别人吃的饭多". 觉得自己是老大, 而对年轻人所提出更新的方式和意见置之度外.

4. 总是对自己说, 自己终有一天会跟不上的. 这样, 就一敞开的心听听年轻人的意见吧!


主啊, 请给我智慧知道-- 我现在这个年龄, 能以什么方式来事奉您.


人的生活, 动作存留都在乎神, 你若离开他, 就不能独立生存.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Natural Law

1. Law of Mechanical Repair
After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch & you'll have to pee.

2. Law of Gravity
Any tool, nut, bolt, screw - when dropped - will roll to the least accessible corner.

3. Law of Probability
The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.

4. Law of Random Numbers
If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal & someone always answers.

5. Law of the Alibi
If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the very next morning you will have a flat tire.

6. Variation Law
If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will always move faster than the one you are in now (works every time).

7. Law of the Bath
When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings.

8. Law of Close Encounters
The probability of meeting someone you know increases dramatically when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.

9. Law of the Result
When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will.

10. Law of Biomechanics
The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.

11. Law of the Theater & Hockey Arena
At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle, always arrive last. They are the ones who will leave their seats several times to go for food, beer, or the bathroom and who leave before the end of the performance or before the game is over. The folks in the aisle seats come early, never move once, have long gangly legs or big bellies and stay to the bitter end of the performance. The aisle people also are very surly folk.

12. The Coffee Law
As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.

13. Murphy's Law of Lockers
If there are only 2 people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers.

14. Law of Physical Surfaces
The chances of an open-faced jelly sandwich landing face down on a floor, are directly correlated to the newness and cost of the carpet or rug.

15. Law of Logical Argument
Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.

16. Brown's Law of Physical Appearance
If the clothes fit, they're ugly.

17. Oliver's Law of Public Speaking
A closed mouth gathers no feet.

18. Wilson's Law of Commercial Marketing Strategy
As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it.

19. Doctors' Law
If you don't feel well, make an appointment to go to the doctor, by the time you get there you'll feel better. But if you don't make an appointment, you'll stay sick.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

人有好几种... 男人, 女人... 老人, 年轻人... lesbian, tomboy, gay, ah gua... 甚至现在的社会还多出现了变性人...

~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~

人... 有位朋友常说, "人都是自私的... 如果你对周围的人自私是情由可言; 甚至自私于自己的父母亲也不希奇"... 这么说自私的双亲, 对孩子们所做的种种不是, 是可以接受的... 所以被那些抛弃的子女, 别怪生你们的父母了, 他们也没有错... 因为人是自私的.

人... 之所以是自私的, 因为... 即使没有人会很明确教导你要学会自私, 但你从小到大都经常被灌输人是自私的观念... 人家会跟你讲 "你为别人, 他会对你好吗?" 自私才能保护自己... 所以你怎能不会是自私的呢?

人... 经常会把"人是自私的"做为借口... 所以就能不小心错于人就会说 "人是自私的啊~" 要不然就是把责任推在古人啦, 东西或魔鬼身上, 说是他们导致你是个罪人, 所以你才会自私...

~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~

自私, 是你自己选择要的, 不能怪他人, 说是天性... 更何况, 从最初上帝就有给人类选择的权利...

路是自己选择的, 没有人可以逼你走你不想走的路; 就算是受环境逼迫, 你也不应该怪他人, 要自己多加倍努力付出... 这条路行不通, 就走别的路; 务必自私自利伤害到任何人或物...

~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~

以上说提的不单单是关系到自私罢了, 而是思想观念...


思想极端, 无论做事或决定都会有很大的影响...

Saturday, July 23, 2011


这次,我要分享的主题有点大胆,关系到每个人的,是每个人都有的,无论是男或女;那就是私密部位。男的偏碱性,而女的则属于弱酸性 pH 3.5~4.5 左右。


~ 正确清洁
~ 注意保湿
~ 加强补水
~ 每日运动



Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Recently I was looking...hmmph... more suitably should be helping to look for a house; a house with reasonable and affordable price.

Then I found a "wonderful" house at Sg. Ara, 5 bedrooms + 4 bathrooms + carpouch + garden = RM160k. OMG, that's kind of cheap...though I do not have much savings. But the loan calculator shows that I may need to pay RM9++ for 25yrs for the unit. Till then, I know that it's really ain't easy to get our own house. The amount is "sweet", but the loan is "bitter". However, for a beautiful, comfortable and attractive house, the pay is even thousand times more than expected.

When I was little girl, I always think that a hundred is very hard to earn, because our pocket money was so little, compared to kids nowadays. Meanwhile, when I studied in uni, a hundred is getting easier to get, because PTPTN fed me, they gave a full amount of loan at once during the beginning of semesters. However, when I stepped in working life, a hundred is again, hard to earn... because the thing I spend and/or waste on is easily reach/over hundred.

Today, thanks to P, he taught me a lot of the loans thing. He reminded me of those little calculations about paying loans, even so, I don't fully agree with him. But thanks though.

I finally realise loan is a way that bank uses to diminish my money. But it's acceptable for me, because I use every single cents of my own to get what I need, for example my lovely car, I have no regrets, because no one sponsor me any cents at all, so what to do, I can only seek for bank's help. The lowest loans that I need to pay per month, of cause I need to pay the longer terms of loan. It is the rule, isn't it? If I can afford to pay a short term loans, would I need to loan from banks? As long as it's not loan sharks, I think it would be fine. And of cause, I made the decision to loan longest term is because, I do not want to let any emergency that happens will affect my normal life. So, if considering inflation, it's save I supposed. Everyone has his/her own perspectives, I can't comment much.

Furthermore, I believe that I should not wait until I successfully saved and finally accumulated the amount of money for my dream house then only I can buy the house, just because I do not want to pay extra to bank for the loans. This is because, the price hike of properties is raising rapidly. I think buy-and-resell can earn better as well, not necessary must wait for so long.

For P's advice, we are advisable to look an affordable house which price is 60times lower of that of our pay. Else, we will live like an operator if our salary is not increasing rapidly.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bersih 2.0

090711 is a very memorable day in Malaysia history, as far as I know after 13May 1969 race riot. But people say the latest big news in Malaysia history would be 30Aug. '08, the most exciting by-election that oppositions have won with majority of "important" states.

Bersih 2.0 has stepped out a very big step for the people of Malaysia to fight for clean and fair election. 9 July 2011, has shown a very significant value of 1Malaysia. There were more the 50,000 people participated in the rally, both in Malaysia and overseas.

I thought Bersih 2.0 is newly organised by chinese protestors. But it has some history since 2005. It was not just chinese join the club, but all who wants a better Malaysia.
Before 9 July, there was a rally on Penang bridge on 1 July that causing traffic jam. After the incident, road blocks are setting up everywhere and people being caught anywhere for wearing yellows. The worst of all is that, rumour says that the cops only want to catch chinese because chinese are "yellow". Meanwhile, some are so humorous saying that the cops want to catch those who are "yellow", which means pornographic.
Thank you very much to all who participated in the rally, and risked yourselves out there. But honestly, be smart... Take care and God Bless.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fitness Day

Today, Dell is having Fitness Day. Out of curiosity, I went to scan my body weight and measure other stuff again... Yup, again, because I scanned at Times Square few weeks ago. This one is called Body Fat Analysis.

It's FOC, of cause I will try to pop out. ehehe... My friend was there, so then I dare to show up and go measure.

Results of measurement :
1) Body Fat = 21.6% [F: < 25%]
2) Skeletal Muscle = 29.2% [F: >28%]
3) Visceral Fat = 1 [M/F < 5]
4) Body Age = 18 [Actual - 5yrs]

I am so happy, ain't I? I'm healthy. =D Even younger than the ideal age of body. Hahaha...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

1st Saturday of July 2011

So, first Saturday of July 2011, I spent the day by watch Transformer 3 at W Cinemax, Island Plaza, Penang. It was quite a very exciting short trip to the cinema, because I never being there alone, and I'm not familiar with the road, PLUS it was traffic jam hours 1 something in the afternoon, people just back from work. The movie was going to on show at 2.15 p.m.

3D Transformer 3 so exciting, feel so "alive" in front of you... couldn't wait any longer, especially after I watched the 3D trailer. A RM9 3D show, can you resist that? My ex-colleague asked me for the movie when she got the Buy-1-free-1 coupon, but I felt shy so just share with her the 3D RM18 ticket, so just paid RM9 for the movie, and RM1 for the popcorn. I like to eat popcorn actually, but the popcorn for Wcinemax, sorry then, too sweat.

The packing is kinda cute, can't help to take a photo of it. ^^

Oh then, I drew my cartoon version of Optimus. Ugh...

Privilege = previllage???

Guess what I found in Jusco. Obviously this is Malaysian English. =D When I stepped forward and took a picture of it, the people passby just looked at me like a weirdo. What had been wrong with me? Nothing. It's the writing is "funny". Someone must the first to notice this kind of thingy, then only you can get the funny pics of wall and/or video to watch.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

No Turning Back

No turning back after I tender my resignation letter this afternoon for this current position at Enterprise Sales Group in Sales Configuration Management. I will no longer a Data Entry girl, whereby my title was nicer to hear, Data Analyst.

I have nothing to miss of at here, except the boss, my senior manager Cheah Chee Teong. Guess I will forgot his name real soon, just like what I do for the previous bosses. Hahaha XD but I will remember their face.

So long~

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

First Youtube Video Uploaded

Oh yay~ I finally figure out how to upload youtube video on blog.

Sharing this long ago Japanese prank with you all... Enjoy!!! ^^

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cute Little New Notebook

Uh huh! This is what I got for myself last Sunday. So cute and vintage the cover. ^^

I drew some activities we had on the day and the next.

Birch Plaza apartment stay, visiting Surname Bridge at jetties, food hunting: Penang Laksa and of cause some durians, since now is durian season at north region here. Hopefully we can really go for durian buffet once. :)

And the next day is simple, that the day is so cool and I forgot put back my cell phone and purse into my handbag that I bring to workplace. So then, I gotta drive back at noon and cook myself some mee... wheee~ I bag yesterday was full-mee-day because I had mee for lunch and for dinner. Then slept early at 9 something, since the weather is so nice to sleep as you can see the breeze. :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mini Bonsai

It has been a while since I last watched Tinkerbell very often because I can hardly sleep, and has been bothered by a lot of uncertainties. However recently, when I found my financial is kind of stable though not that stable... I'm start thinking about home.. My home! My very own privates! Actually it's all about my dream garden. =)

I still remember years back when I was a little girl, I love to playing around, gardening under rambutan tree which planted in front of my room. I love my old house and never willing to accept the fact that I gotta leave the house till over 6-7 years, because there were a lot of animals and plants you will never know I would have had them all at my house. There were doggies, kitties, squirrels, hamsters, monkey, chickies, duckies, birdies, tortoises, fishes, ponds, a huge coffee blending machine, apple tree, mango tree, rambutan tree, pandan trees, all kind of plants and flowers... and my childhood... =S

I miss the mini landscape that I've done under the rambutan tree obviously. I have been looking around for how to design or decorate a mini landscape recently. And I've got myself some ideas of putting it in my mini garden... Hopefully I will be able to have the DIY mini-bonsai-garden-landscape with low budget.

A rough idea of my mini bonsai is taken from the belows pixie hollow.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


这世界有越来越多各种各样的人, 21实际不再像80年代那样单纯...

人性败坏已成倍增长, 普遍化了...

这时代, 人若不挣气, 没自己的想法思想的话, 就会变成他人的"奴隶"了...

就好比这世界上有两种永远无法真正旅游的人: 一是跟团的人; 二是把攻略都查好,然后一丝不苟照做的人。这两种人,他们只是活在别人的生命经验里,就算去到天边也枉然。

活出自己吧! 不要盲从~

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Are You Religious?

Religion can be defined as man’s attempt to impress God. It is an attitude that says, “I can make something of myself, I can earn God’s favor.” Although it may lead to works that are charitable, this mindset is fatally opposed to grace of God. It causes a man to stand when he should bow and to strut when he should kneel. Worst of all, it causes him to see himself as a co-savior. His motives may be sincere, but he is an idol-worshipper.

Jesus didn’t suffer and die on the cross to make you religious. He died and rose again to give you a new life – His life. Anything that pretends to be a substitute for the thrill of knowing Him – of trusting Him, being with Him, and walking with Him – should be rejected as inferior. If any of the statements in the test above describes you, then you might be a little bit religious. Here’s why…

Are you preoccupied with doing the right thing? God is looking for relationship, but a religious person is more concerned with following the rules. Their motto could be, “Just tell me what I must do and I will do it.” Whether you define the “right thing” as the 10 commandments, the words of Jesus, your church traditions, or whatever, to live by a code of conduct is infinitely inferior to the life Christ wants to live through us. It is eating from the wrong tree.

Adam chose independence from God. An independent spirit wants to decide for himself and thus prefers rules to relationship. But someone under grace says, I trust Him from start to finish, He will lead me in the right path (Ps 23:3). Your choice is rules or relationship. You cannot reduce relationship to a set of rules. (Try it with your marriage and see how far that gets you!) Live by rules and you’re setting yourself up for failure, for any kind of law will stimulate sin and lead to death (Rms 7:5). Even when you do the right thing it’ll be the wrong thing because you’re operating in an independent spirit instead of walking by faith (Rms 14:23). But when you choose to abide in Christ – when He is your all in all – you’ll find yourself doing the right thing at the right time every time. If you haven’t heard this before, then take a moment to read the good news.

Do you act as if God is keeping score? A performance mentality is central to all the religions of the world: Do good, get good. Do bad, get bad. The problem with this is your best is not good enough. If God was keeping score, all of us would fall short. Thus it is natural for a religious person to suffer from performance anxiety. God doesn’t grade on the curve and He’s not obligated to pass a certain percentage of the class. In fact, He expects perfection and nothing less. So either you must deliver a perfect performance or you must put your faith in a perfect representative. Jesus is our perfect High Priest (Heb 7:28). Trust Him!

Contrary to what religion will tell you, we are not justified by what we do but by grace alone (Rms 3:24). His grace and our works do not mix. Indeed, they nullify each other out (Rms 11:6). Grace is God’s part; faith is our part (Eph 2:8). Faith is saying, “thank you Jesus!” Faith doesn’t just get you started; it’s faith from first to last (Rms 1:17).

Are you sin-conscious? Sin-consciousness is the strongest indicator of a religious mindset. Gifts and sacrifices will do nothing to clear the guilty conscience of a religious person (Heb 9:9). The only remedy is a revelation of the blood of Jesus shed for your forgiveness (Heb 9:14, Mt 26:28). Through His one-time sacrifice for the sins of the world, Jesus has done away with sin (1 Jn 2:2, Heb 9:26). Sin was a problem, but because of Jesus it is no longer a problem. So what is the problem? The problem now is whether you will choose to believe in the all-sufficiency of Christ and His finished work. Religion will keep the focus on you and your unworthiness, but grace focuses on Christ and His worthiness.

Are you motivated by your Christian duty? Religion cries, “Jesus died for you. What will you do for Him?” I would do anything for Jesus, but if my motivation is a perceived debt, then I’ve missed grace. God didn’t send His Son to fetch an army of servants. Jesus came out of love. A religious person is motivated by their love for Christ, but we are to be motivated by Christ’s love for us. As Paul said, “Christ’s love compels us” (2 Co 4:14). God is not looking for us to impress Him with our love; He wants to impress us with His.

Whether they call it duty or responsibility, a religious person fundamentally believes that he is obligated or indebted to God. They want to work so that they no longer owe God. Indeed, they want God to owe them. They want to be in a position where God will have to bless them because of what they’ve done. This debt-consciousness is opposed to the grace of God for grace comes with no strings attached. There is no quid pro quo in the kingdom. Everything comes by the “exceeding riches of His grace” (Eph 2:7) and is received by faith. Don’t cheapen His grace by thinking you have a duty or responsibility to pay Him back. Your responsibility is to believe that He is good and true! It is not our obligation to serve the Lord, it is our royal privilege. It is not our duty, but our great delight.

Do you live in fear of God’s anger? Listen to a religious person and you might get the impression that God is a temperamental and abusive Father who sometimes lashes out in fits of righteous wrath. A religious person sees Jesus as a sort of go-between, someone who’ll stand in the gap and take the heat for us. But the truth is that God the Father, Son and Spirit are perfectly united in purpose and character. If you want to know what God the Father is like, look at the Son (Heb 1:3).

Does God get angry with us? Look at the oath He swore in Isaiah 54:9-10 for an answer. He has promised to never be angry with us or punish us. Do you believe that God would flood the earth as He did in the days of Noah? Of course not – He promised He wouldn’t. In Isaiah 54:9-10 God says, “this is like that – if you believe that promise, believe this one too. I will not be angry with you.” At great personal cost God has forged an eternal and unshakeable covenant of peace. We are the beneficiaries of this covenant. Why did He do it? Because He is love and He loves us. When you get a revelation of His love, your fear of punishment will evaporate (1 Jn 4:18). “But didn’t Jesus say He might blot some of us out of the Book of Life?” Nope. God doesn’t use correction fluid. “But what about that verse where He says He will spew some out of His mouth?” True, there is one thing that makes Jesus sick, and that’s religion. The Laodiceans had it in spades. Make sure you don’t.

Do you like doing things for God? Contrary to what religion has told you, we are not called to work for God but to do the work of God (Jn 6:29). Big difference! Working for God reveals our initiative, but faith is always a response to what God is doing or has done. In the Bible there are “dead works” and “good works.” Dead works are those activities that seem right to us but which lead to death (Pro 16:25). Good works are those which have been prepared by God in advance for us to do (Eph 2:10). Dead works require no faith – if you have the resources you can do them. Good works always reveal the Father and usually involve healing the sick, raising the dead, cleansing lepers, and driving out demons (Mt 10:8). As always, Jesus is our role model. He did nothing on His own initiative yet lived a full and fruitful life in response to the Father (Jn 5:19).

Do you see yourself mainly as a servant of God? Here is the question that separates the religious from the righteous: Do you see God as your heavenly Father, your Papa? A religious person will hesitate to respond, scandalized by the thought that he can speak of the Almighty in such familiar terms. Then a verse will come to mind and he will say, “I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God…” A religious person is content to be nothing more than a servant, and thus they miss the best thing of all.

There are only two kinds of people in the world: sons and orphans. Which are you? The devil’s desire is to have you so confused about your identity that you will relate to God in any way except as a son. A religious person will usually relate to God as a Master, but Jesus came to reveal the Father. Perhaps you left the pig trough with a prepared speech that began, “make me like one of your hired hands” (Lk 15:19). God is not interested that speech! He is not recruiting servants; He wants sons! Like the prodigal, you may see yourself as no more than a servant, but God sees you as a son (Rms 8:15, Gal 4:6). Don’t argue with your Father.


Friday, March 25, 2011

幸福~ 你在哪里?

能陪我们走到最后的那些人,可能不一定是你最爱的。 人们总认为得不到就是最好的,一味地去追求不属于自己的幸福; 曾以为只要认真地喜欢,就可以打动一个人,原来最后却只是打动了自己。 只要你学会珍惜身边那些对你好的人,你就会发现幸福其实一直都在身边…… 愿祝你/妳早日找到"幸福"......

Tuesday, March 22, 2011





Monday, March 21, 2011



— —抱怨无济于事,总有人活得比你辛苦。

Saturday, March 19, 2011























女人不美 男人要负一半责任­


未 出嫁的姑娘,就像苗圃里的树苗,一个个俊俏挺拔。出嫁了与一个男人终日厮守,男人就成了女人的气候、土壤、环境。男人脾气暴,整日不是狂风暴雨,就是“零 下一度”,女人一定憔悴无光;男人修养高,日照朗朗,和风细雨,女人一定热情奔放。养颜乃养性,好男人让女人心境好,心态好,心灵好。­


一 个本来能温顺的女人,越来越泼辣,一定是她的男人不争气,逼得她不得不出头。一个本来纯洁的女人越来越妖艳,一定是她的男人太窝囊,她只好移情别恋。一个 本来清高的女人越来越恶俗,一定是她的男人档次不高,她“近墨者黑”。相反,一个本来很一般的女人,相貌越来越可爱,眼睛越来越灵光,说话越来越文雅举手 投足越来越有风度…不用说,她有一个好男人。­



Friday, March 18, 2011

The World

Interestingly, today I have come across an issue related this world, THIS ILL AND COMPLICATED WORLD!

So, what is up with this world that our human race has lived in this world since Adam and Eve 2 thousands over years ago?

A friend "C", I assumed he is one of the slaves the world, as he told me to be good, to be as complicated as the world is. He means - this world is getting complicated and cunning, so you also should be part of it as well. Be cunning, no sincerity, no honesty, no trustworthy, so that you would not be rejected, so that you can easily succeed using dirty tricks. Stupid isn't he? He wants to win the hearts of people surround him, wants to be recognised by everybody, he chose to change himself to be part of this dark community. No own personality and principles. Sigh. Sad case.

The world is getting dark outside. If your heart is still side the dark, sorry to say you will fall eventually. I pray that God will send someone to save you.

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? [Jer 17:9]

Personal expression, please go back to Mars/Venus (due to Man from Mars, Woman from Venus) if you feel you can't survive here because the earth is dangerous.

Monday, March 7, 2011






Wednesday, March 2, 2011


男人喜欢上女人,什么身份都敢娶; 女人喜欢上男人,没有未来通常不嫁。

Monday, February 28, 2011


很多人, 尤其是现今社会的九五族都渐渐年老过实际年龄... 除了那些每天闲着没事做, 不用做工做家务的"人材", 每天只忙着美容保养的, 才有可能年轻过实际年龄...

所以大家每天只需持之以恒地做至少5分钟的运动就行了, 能的话就30分钟吧...

这世界上只有懒惰的人, 没有天生肥丑的人...

给力, 给力青春 ^^

Monday, February 21, 2011


出生的不对时, 父母要遗弃你...
下课放学不准时, 父母会怪你...

这种种问题, 是我们要的吗? 是谁的错啊?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Career @ Spouse

Finding a good job is as hard as finding a good spouse. Meaning to say, finding a job or a spouse that suit you the best is very hard. Find a job or a spouse is easy, but the one that really suit you and good for you, is not easy.

Looking for a good job is not easy. It is as hard as finding a good life partner. The job may be fine for others but not for you. You may love to be packed with stack of workloads, but others may love to play truant at the canteen or pantry. Passion for work, it doesn't matter whether you are offered with high basic, with or without basic, has or has no OT claim, got year end bonus or not, or has annual dinner or quarter-end dinner or not; these are really depend on your "feelings" towards the job.

As in matter looking for spouse also. It doesn't matter if you can find a spouse who can offer you, bonus, OT claim, allowances or benefits. It's the matter of your feelings towards a person, whether he or she suits you or not.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011





Monday, January 24, 2011

Discount on Festive Season

Every year end especially,every goods, food and drinks, clothes, shoes and bags and any other things, just name one, they all are on sales.

Whenever you walk in mall, you can see the word of "Discount" hang everywhere...

The most unbelievable is wedding rings in jewellery shop also has discount.

Love can be discounted??? The couple love their spouse less then they will be happy???

I got comments that generally, guys like that. Some even said it's good to have "Items" that "Buy 1, get 1 Free."

I'm puzzled. =/

Sunday, January 23, 2011

General Calculus

C, F and R the 3 best friends were attending uni together the very first sem.

One day, when C was doing his homework, he brought up a question of tutorial and asked F and R " hey, do you remember the General Calculus?"

F replied: "Who? The general of Rome Empire?"
R responded: " Calculus(kau-ku-rus) la you..."
F replied: "What me kurus? I memang kurus, cannot ar? you jealous kah?"


Thursday, January 20, 2011


One day, a friend MathX came and asked me about relationship thingy. He said he fall in love with "EconomiX", then asked for help searching for the 'X'.

After quite sometimes, I told MathX, "Hey Dearie Mathematics, I'm sick of finding your 'X', just accept the fact that she's gone, would you? Move on!"
Maths replied, "Actually I have found her, long time ago in high school. She's with EconomiX, "because Maths," she said, "you're too boring!"

So, then Maths moved on. He found a companionship with PhysicX because the latter always understand him and his needs.

P/S: PhysicX & MathX are a gay couple now.

~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~

After sometimes, PhysicX and MathX were getting more pressured by their families and friends and the surroundings. Because of their inhealthy relationship, they started to fight for nothing and ended-up to broke-up.

Again, MathX fallen, sad... However, after quite a few months of hiding himself, he started to realize that there was a lover who always there awaiting him.

Then, lives changed, he lives happily as before. MathX always very cheerful and talk non-stop, he even talk to the thin air. Till the right timing, he confronted his parents, that he fall in love with Add MathX.

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The news about MathX and Add. MathX is driving his parents crazy. Because MathX is thinking back about his relationship with X. He is too insane about X until he started to create himself an imaginary friend called Add. MathX.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

衣服 @ 车祸

女人撞衣比撞车还要严重; 男人撞衣似兄弟。

Monday, January 10, 2011

Female Human(s)

Women... Seriously, who has ever think of the phase the women are handful, women are really "different" from men? I t-totally agree with the latter. Personally, I never admit that I understand women either, because I always think that they are different though they are just same "species" as me. Because human beings are just complicated. =P

Women, from baby girls become girls, teenage girls, ladies then women. The process of becoming one is like "Wow!" They are the only female humans, will go through the "-hood" period (transition of female life) from childhood (cousinhood), adolenscence then womanhood.

I notice that women nowadays are less self-respect and self-esteem. They do things they never wanted (for guys' or for somebody else's sake). They purposely make themselves less ongoing, some act dumb mainly for guys (because guys prefer weak and innocent girls). In matter of fashion, women, why do you need to dress-up like a (something) that's not comfortable? Whereby in the sense of self-esteem, some even went for plastic surgery(s). So then guys came out with a statement of "women who love to beautify themselves,dare to let pain overwhelm them".

On the other hand, for girls who are slaves of trends... Please... I really sick of you all. You do not have assertiveness. You are just follow the fashions blindly. Thought you afford to put on the best and expensive clothings then you are fashionable... "Tolonglah~" Is your house do not have a mirror? Are you not dare to look into the "you" in the mirror? Or you thought your size are the standard ideal measurement? I tell you, you are just humiliating the name of "fashion" and the clothes you put on, and more worstly the women surround you.

Women, where are your brains? I personally think that women that are true women are not just physically/biologically fertile but mentally grown up as well. Know and love your body and your mind will eventually show your glow and beauty, you do not need to waste so much money on useless stuffs.

Please respect yourselves.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Failure is the mother of Success

People always say "Failure is the mother of Success", especially Chinese. This chinese idiom is usually used to courage people not to give up easily when failed, because failure helps a person to learn from his mistake.

Well, have you ever think of slightly a little bit more than that; if, the Failure is the mother of Success, then who is the father?

Honestly speaking, I have no idea who the father would be. But I've got some opinion saying the father would be "Hardship" and the other said it's "Chance". What do you think?

"P" said the father would be Hardship because father and mother have different roles in a family, especially in raising a child. Father need to be working hard to earn money for the family whereas the mother would be taking care of the family and children at home. This sound normal for olden days, but nowadays mother also take up the responsibility to go earn some money for the family. So, where is the ideal? Then "P" said mothers nowadays are great, they go work and also taking care of the family at the same time, so they earn the credit, children are more closer to their mother.

Then another friend "M" said the father would be Chance. He said by chance, Thomas Edison could successfully invent the bulb, if there was not chance available, he would never succeed no matter how many effort he put on. Also, Issac Newton will never come up with his Newton's law if he had no chance to observe an apple fall from the tree.

I personally agree with the idea of "Chance". So in short, i think "Men are Hardship, Husband is Chance."

Friday, January 7, 2011


Hi there,

I finally have a courage to really write out on blog, eventhough I have created the account for quite sometimes ago already.

Hmmph... I still have no idea what theme I should put on for this blog actually.

So, I just put it as "Something..". Something happen around physically, mentally, psychologically...

Just something.. =)