
Monday, November 28, 2011

DIY Lighted Makeup Mirror

Just had a little DIY project last Sunday. It's very fine. A DIY lighted makeup mirror.

I always wanted to have one since.... hmm~ since I saw it from TV? hehehe... it's adorable. I mean which girl doesn't want to have her own makeup desk. So then, I have been looking around for such a mirror quite sometimes. But hardly see one... in Malaysia.

Once a friend who gonna go Austin for a business trip and vacation, I nearly asked him to help me buy one. But after doing some research about prices on such product online, knowing that such kind of mirror is extremely expensive, nearly thousand plus Ringgit Malaysia. So then, I decided to make my own lighted makeup mirror.

Several researches has been done of cause although I studied electronics, but I never done one real electrical project before. Please be reminded to take precaution steps for you want to start doing any electrical project which is connect to AC, which I forgotten to. Thank God I'm still alive. Because I just simply connect the wire, plug and the circular bulb straight to the AC. So then, the bulb burnt up. :P

Here, below is diagram of the connection for the project.

Depending on the voltage of the bulb you want to use. Here I bought a 32W circular bulb. So the ballast that I need must be that of tranform AC to 32W, else your bulb will be burnt. And of cause you will need a starter. Just follow strictly on the instruction printed on the ballast on the connection.

After I connected all the components.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Before & After 80's

最近, 认识了几个朋友, 都比较有"经验"的. 经验丰富得来, 又不至于让我敬佩的... 听起来好像我自以为很了不起吧? 其实不然, 为什么呢? 只要你是个80后的人, 你一定会懂... 正续前章, 80后的人是比较有自己的想法的人, 有主见又肯听取意见的一班...

80后的人, 又被称为 "Generation Y". 这班人很常都被长辈看为"没大没小"的一群... 为什么他们会这么想呢? 以为自己是长辈, 晚辈有理(礼)无理(礼)都得依他们的, 因为他们"吃的盐比你们吃的饭还要多呢", 所以听他们的就没错了... =.= 个人认为, 对! 他们在某些方面的"经验"是值得晚辈学习的~ 但是长辈们的老顽固不化就SORRY 啦! 不是年少的无礼, 只是不赞同, 不代表他们不尊敬年长的.

长辈们~ 或是那些有"患上老人病" 者, 只许他人顺服你的, 拜托你们别再鸡蛋里挑骨头了. 世代变迁不断, 你们还活在70, 60 甚至50年代的思想里... 有句名言说得很好, 那就是: "人总是老得太快, 脑却长得太慢."

年长的, 无论潮流或科技, 你们可以勉强的跟上, 但如果你们的思想还是一般也终归活在自己的世界里... 只要把自己的思想范围放宽, 接受他人有"他的权利", 听取意见, 至于你愿不愿意接受就另当别论... 这样一来, 你们就可以活出现代了.