
Wednesday, November 21, 2012


最近我们department的team members突然有了个共同话题-- 种草. 是一种草吧... 英文称为airplant. A同事带了几束这类的草分给大家后, 大家纷纷爱上种这类的植物了. 因为这airplant不需要泥土和施肥. B同事还特地去植物店买了另几样同种类的植物, 还特别请教老板怎么种得花儿朵朵开.
My fake tree with its' new friend Airplant
隔几天, 其他的同事各个真的很轻易地就把草儿""得开花了. 我也是放它在它的座位, 定时浇水, 但却渴死? 沿死? 热死了. 总之它死的那一刻是黑黑的, shrinked, dried... blah~ blah~ blah~

事后A同事得知,又再采一束给我...这草, 还真命苦... 在office, 颜色还顶绿绿的; 回到家, 就干巴巴的. 晚上原本想把它放在balcony吸收露水的, 旁边还放着一杯水呢, 谁知它竟然比我放在房子里还更枯干... 然而, 就想了个点子, 把它吊在窗口. 那里风不热也不强, 旁边依然放着一杯水.

过了一整天, 这果然有助于改善它的壮况. 当我坐窗口慢慢欣赏它时, 突然想起这几天所念的圣经故事... 当你真的有心照顾一个人的时候, 他日后会是特别的""; 但如果他被"放弃"了, 他就很难, 甚至不能survive了.

Monday, November 12, 2012

A Soulmate or A "Jonathan"?

This is an interesting subject that comes to my mind when I read thoroghly through bibles, into the message of this bible verses 1 Samuel 20: 1- 42. This chapter tells about the storyline of King Saul felt threaten by David's reputation in the land after he successfully defeated enemies in battles.

Saul was very angry; this refrain galled him. "They have credited David with tens of thousands," he thought, "but me with only thousands. What more can he get but the kingdom?" 1 Samuel 18:8

King Saul attempted to kill David when he tried to protect his kingdom from fallen to David. Jonathan, the prince of King Saul, who has a very close relationship with David, "betrayed" his father, to protect David, and hide in enemy's territory.

Normally we will feel uncertain when comes to the time that we need to decide who to side with, especially when both are close to us. From this chapter, the bible told us that Jonathan sided David, he helped David to flee for his life, as he had no wrong against his father. And so he did not really feel bad about his father, because King Saul's motive was to protect the kingdom to be inherited by his next generations. But Jonathan did a very different decision, that he sided David, because God loved David and blessed him, and so he loved God and David.

The story teaches us to be right with who have faith in God, no matter how close the relationship we are. This is because the person who is faithful in God will be able to help us get right in the path where God wants us to walk to. And they will be the persons who will stick up with us.

So is soulmate more important of a "Jonathan" more important?