
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

他/她有自己的命, 神造每个人都有不同等的命运.
祂是公平的. 相信就是了!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Curry Man

In this world, they are the special race who are famous for rolling tongue and their spices. In fact any food also have curry that type of flavour - - hot and spicy. And no matter how good they speaking in other languages, one thing they must do when speak - - rolling and twisting tongue more often than Chinese, and even much more faster.

This group of people, we call them, Or Or... Ah Nei Nei... or most commonly Kei Leng Nah. But I would like to call them Curry Men, a term not known by this group of people.

I do have a Bangalore's Indian colleague, who is also a vegetarian, but he doesn't eat chinese vegetarian food. So the only food he must take-in is a plain curry soup poured on a plain rice. He can't get rid of curry even when he is already a vegetarian. I wonder "Is curry a drug?"

Another interesting thing about the Curry Men is that, they speak without taking a short break or people call it a "comma". Even in their writing sentence also, you can hardly find a comma in a 3-lines-long sentence. The way they write is exactly the same like the way they talk, no "comma". Will they ever bite their tongue or hardly catch breathe?


Monday, March 12, 2012


买了, 签了... 又怎样!?

要更新, 便要伸展

"向着标竿直跑, 要得神在基督耶稣...召我来得的奖赏." 腓3:14

基督徒的信心之旅是要有勇气离开一个安全境地, 进入一个不安全的地带. 我们必须愿意离开自己的安全地带, 必须忘记背后, 努力面前.

1) 愿意克服恐惧, 成为有信心的子民
2) 在看不见神做工时, 仍相信祂
3) 无论什么境况, 都全然信靠祂

Thursday, March 8, 2012


我也希望是晴天, 但却是倾盆大雨... 心情不好的话就更火上加油... 怎么3月份既然是雨季呢? KL 还淹水呢!