
Friday, November 29, 2013




踏入社会,你不是只有和父母或与兄弟姐妹在一起的环境了;而是与各式各样,莫名其妙的人在一起。“笼子大了,什么鸟都有。” 以前,你哭,爸爸或妈妈就会哄你;在职场,你还可以用同一招吗?学习长大才帮得了你自己走出这种状况。

给自己压力,适量是好的,但过度就会消极化。本人识压力为动力,但压力已经不再是我自己自造的了。我认为没必要了。因为在职场上,人人会无形中很乐意的给你加添压力。如果你不懂得解压,就完了。"Expect the unexpected, learn to love it."

新新人类,大多数都瞧不起某某人,擦鞋,甚至玩政治。本人也不赞同的。职场,是mobile home;不是战场。你玩得起得话,恭喜你;玩不起的,那就sayonara... Sayonara后也不会有人念你从前的好,因为怎样都有人代替你;公司不会因为你而关闭。职场是你经营人生的下一个30~40年,是你的社会大学,是你真正能够表演、贡献的时候。顾虑不了谁的鞋好不好擦,还是管好自己吧~



Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Monday, August 19, 2013


有没有为身旁的人疯狂过? 为他/她做过疯狂的事呢?

看看戏剧或电影中的某病人, 尤其是那快要死的. 往往他们会选择放弃花时间、金钱医病, 反而想花多一点时间去做自己以前想做却不敢做的事, 或陪伴忽略已久的家人好友。
这些病人的last minute moves是我们应该趁还有机会就该行动的。
这样人才会十分重视活着的那一天。因为下一秒钟可能不再有机会做你要做的事, 说你要说的话了...



他:(鱼背)上面是你的。 我要反下面的肉了。
我: 你不可以“挖”给我的么?
我: 我没叫你喂我啊,可以放在一旁嘛。嗯~ (伸舌头, 有鱼骨)
我: 我也要。

我:(急忙翻舌头,搜...... )^^
他: 喂~ 神经病。

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Continue the Planting =P

Continue last topic... Failed. =S
Only 4 survives. The rest broken into halves.

~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~. ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~

So, I made up my mind to change the subject to red onion.
It grows quite fast. Most importantly is less observation and care needed.
After a week, when you see the "leaves" turn to yellowish at the edge, then it's time to harvest. Just cut the "leaves" will do, then it will continue to grow another batch of green onions. ^^
You can cook chopped green onions eggs, spread on soup or any meal you like. Uh...yummy yum... =)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Little Planting

Starting to do some planting these few days because of a friend's influence. Thanks to her, I recall some interesting memories that I had, spending most of my childhood before kindy, under rambutan tree, playing muds, mixing soil, plant sidewalk flowers and etc... yea, I'm a hometown girl.

I started with the most easiest plant, bean sprout, which I believe most of us did plant with mung bean during our kindy or primary school.

I bought a packing of soybeans. Of course, you also can choose mung beans or black soybeans. Rinse some beans in a container for 8 - 10 hours. Must wash up the beans thoroughly before pouring in a ready hole-drilled container. Then cover the container with black plastic bag and put aside at a cooling place, which is not expose to sunlight direct. Must rinse the beans quite often 5 - 6 times, so that they do not stink.

You can see there are some beans start sprouting. Well, keep it up till Day 5 then it shall be ready for harvest. =) Till then, I'll keep updating. 

Friday, June 21, 2013


Marcie, Peppermint Patty, Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, Woodstock
Franklin, Sally Brown, Schroeder, Snoopy, Pigpen
Yea~ Snoopy! Actually I'm not a big fan of Snoopy and gang, but I do like them, and never really know them. They are adorable, aren't they?

"Snoopy’s whole personality is a little bittersweet. But he’s a very strong character. He can win or lose, be a disaster, a hero, or anything, and yet it all works out. I like the fact that when he’s in real trouble, he can retreat into a fantasy and thereby escape."

Charles M. Schulz on Snoopy

I fell in love with it just because of the Snoopy's fair on iPhone. Then I started to look for Snoopy's short clips, to know and understand the story line and their special characters i.e. kite eating tree.
Marbles, Olaf, Molly, Andy
Snoopy, Spike, Rover, Belle.
Snoopy is one of the 8 beagle doggies, borne of Baxter and Missy. He has 7 siblings, 5 brothers and 2 sisters.
Marbles: plays banjo, a spotted beagle who is known as the smartest brother of Snoopy that wear shoes.
Olaf: plays jug, an overweight Snoopy that wear a hunting cap.
Molly: plays mandolin, a dog with makeup.
Andy: plays a full set of drum, he is rather clumsy when carrying it and drops it from time to time.
Snoopy: plays guitar but jaw harp when solo.
Spike: plays violin, sleepy face and lives in  in a desert outside Needles, California.
Rover: plays dobro(steel guitar).
Belle: plays violin, lives in Kansas City, Missouri. Snoopy's twin sister with long eyelashes and wears lace collar or pearl necklace. She has teenage son Harris, who looks more like the Pink Panther.
Belle and her unnamed teenage son

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Titanic 泰坦尼克号

Titanic, 是我第一部看的电影。很兴奋,很好奇,很浪漫,很惊吓,也很感动…… 结局怎么是这样啊?不甘心, Jack这么cute~这样就死了啊? 回家,找找质料,原来它是真的发生过的。但不知道,到底有没有Jack and Rose的存在。不管啦~ 总之,值得看, 之后还看了很多很多很多遍。=P

上个周末,TV2电视台播放Titanic嘞~  当然又看咯,不过没法看完啦 (因为有人不喜欢哦~所以总是要转台,到后面撞冰山才牢牢地看完)。过后想起它是我15年前首部看的电影,隔了这么多年,科技发达方便了,应该会有更多关于它的质料。于是就找找看Titanic除了爱情以外的故事。

姐妹船Olympic的安全系统为两个仓库装满水都还能行走;航行时曾经发生事故破了一个比两个人还要高的大洞都还survive呢。而Titanic则可承受四个仓库装满水都不沉没。所以当年是practically unsinkable的;船家说“就算航到上帝再来,它都还可以航行“,还说“连上帝也无法弄沉它”。


2223名乘客,706个生还者。其中有8个Asian:2个因为躲在救生艇下超重被压死了;6个因为美国当时有排华计划,所以禁止他们入境,继续他们的旅途去古巴,之后就音讯全无。(中国报章声称他们8人是国耻。=.=***)还有!!! 9只上船的狗,3只获救(2 Pomeranians & 1 Pekinese)。

2012年~ 一百年纪念…… 有好多官方举行各式各样的追悼会。有的行走Titanic的航程去到发生事故地点,有的做Titanic纪录篇,有的就复制Titanic“二世”。

对!就是他,Australian mining magnate Clive Palmer。他和中国的中外运长航集团船舶重工总公司Jinling Shipyard合作制造同款的Titanic, 但装有现代的设施,电视、无线网、冷气…… 很多人议论着想当年很多人因为相信永不沉没之船Titanic,上船(有的特地转船)而丧命;这耗资AUD1.6 billion Made in China的Titanic II安全吗?(因为Made in China 的quality是全世界都懂的。)